Golden Retriever by R Ward Binks
Although the
Golden Retriever is one of the most recently developed retrievers
it was not until 1960 that the true origin of the breed became known.
Prior to Mrs Elma Stonex's book. The Golden
Retriever, published in 1952, the most commonly accepted origin
of the breed was that it had been developed from a troupe of Russian
circus dogs bought by Lord Tweedmouth during a visit to Brighton.
The Russian circus dog story of origin became the accepted version
of the beginnings of the breed and appeared in the Crufts catalogue
until 1960. One of the greatest proponents of this theory was
Colonel Le Poer Trench who had his St. Hubert's strain registered
with the Kennel Club as retrievers (Russian Yellow).
Certainly Caucasian sheepdogs of the time did appear to bear a
resemblance to the early goldens and Atwood Clark in his book
Gundogs and their Training (1938), reports seeing a Russian Retriever
at one of the earliest dog shows which he attended. Many authoritative
canine writers of the day also upheld this theory including Croxton
Smith, Robert Leighton and Mrs Charlesworth. However the most
romantically written version of this story must certainly be the
account of Patrick Chalmers in his book Gundogs (1931).
Chalmers states that the golden owes to
the collie or sheepdog his "lion sable and the comb and waving
feather of his stern". He subscribes to the circus dog origin
primarily because as he states "and the extra ordinary thing
is that he just occurred like a mushroom, and no man knows, for
certain, the how or the why of his coming." He then goes
on to quote from Sir Hilary Saxmundham's Diary of a Sportsman
in reporting that "my Lord Panmure owned a wavy coated straw
coloured retrieving dog at his castle near Carnoustie in 1865".
Writing in 1877 Sir Hilary apparently refers back to the dog Tarf
and says how comparatively common the type is becoming. Chalmers
completes his section on the golden by repeating a charming story
on the genesis of the golden from Charles Gunter's book Gun-Room
Brevities (1882) including the poem The Midas Touch' included
(The Golden Retriever)
The Golden Retriever,
I'd say for a start,
Is as gold as a guinea in every part -
Oh, he's golden of jacket and golden of heart!
In deportment he's golden - the Chesterfield strain -
How he sits on sofas again and again!
How he steps down like the golden hidalgo's of Spain!
Yet he'll wink and, at once to a waggery stoop
For his grand-dads were dogs who could jump through a hoop
And bring down the house in a hippodrome troupe.
And, out on the manor, he's very renowned,
He will work like a beaver, and hunt like the hound
That is golden and lop-eared, his nose to the ground.
The nose that's been his since in Midas mode, Harry
Imagined gold dogs that could fetch and could carry,
And then thought of Ruby for Voddy to marry.
And here is their grandpup, who's gold as can be,
To pick up my partridge, or come home to tea
And, golden as Silence, share firesides with me.'
From "Gundogs"
by Patrick Chalmer.
Goldens from the Ruadth Kennels
However the true history
of the breed was first published by Lord Ilchester in 1952 in an
article in the Country Life entitled "The Origin of the Yellow
Retriever". This was based on over ten years of research by
Mrs Stonex and in 1959 she and Lord Ilchester put their findings
to the Kennel Club.
In 1960 the Crufts catalogue carried the true origins of the breed
as approved by the Kennel Club:
"Description of the Golden Retriever
'The origin of the Golden Retriever is less obscure than most of
the Retriever varieties, as the breed was definitely started by
the first Lord Tweedmouth last century, as shown in his carefully
kept private stud book and notes, first brought to light by his
great-nephew, the Earl of Ilchester, in 1952.
In 1868 Lord Tweedmouth mated a yellow Wavy-Coated retriever (Nous)
he had bought from a cobbler in Brighton (bred by Lord Chichester)
to a Tweed Water Spaniel (Belle) from Ladykirk on the Tweed.
These Tweed Water-Spaniels, rare except in the Border Country, are
described by authorities of the time as like a small Retriever,
liver-coloured and curly-coated. Lord Tweedmouth methodically line-bred
down from this mating between 1868 and 1890, using another Tweed
Water-Spaniel, and outcrosses of two black Retrievers, an Irish
Setter and a sandy coloured Bloodhound. (It is now known that one
of the most influential Kennels in the first part of the century
which lies behind all present day Golden Retrievers was founded
on stock bred by Lord Tweedmouth.)"
From this description it can be seen that all Golden Retrievers
go back to the yellow retriever Nous who himself was obviously the
produce of Flat - coated Retrievers. Many canine authorities of
the day including Rawdon Lee in his Modern Dogs (1893) referred
to brown retrievers including pale chocolate coloured dogs being
bred from black parents.
In the pedigree of Prim and Rose, the last two yellow retrievers
recorded in Lord Tweedsmouth's records, one can see the influence
of both the Flat-coated Retriever and the Tweed Water Spaniel in
the development of the Golden Retriever.
The Tweed Water Spaniel is now extinct but writers of the time including
Stonehenge in The Dog (1859), Vero Shaw The Book of the Dog (1890),
give detailed descriptions of the Tweed Water Spaniel as a small
type of retriever used by fishermen in the borders between Scotland
and England. The type of flatcoats used in the breeding programme
to produce Prim and Rose were very much of the old golden type in
head and conformation rather than having the construction and head
of the modern flatcoat.
Zelstone, Think and Tracer were all from the breeding of S.E. Shirley
and photographs of Ch Moonstone (Brother to Tracer) published in
Nancy Laughton's "A review of the Flat-coated Retriever"
(1968) and Thoughtful (sister of Tracer) published in Sir Henry
Smith's, "Retrievers and how to break them" (1898) show
dogs very much of the early golden type.
One other throw back to the flat coat ancestry is the presence of
a few black hairs on some of even the lightest goldens. More uniquely
one of our more experienced breeders has told me that in one of
her very early litters she had an almost totally black puppy. Unfortunately
she put this puppy down at birth. The link between Prim and Rose
to Culham Viscount Harcourt's Cluham Brass (the dog behind most
of today's pedigrees) is via a bitch called Lady who was thought
to be a daughter of Prim or Rose. Other Guisachan bred dogs that
can be traced through early pedigrees are Conan and Rock.
To summarise the origins of the breed, I think it fitting to quote
from Mrs Stonex's book:
"The influential recorded links of Guisachan bred Lady, Conon
and Rock, prove the descent of today's Goldens from the first Lord
Tweedmouth's thoughtfully planned matings on a foundation of a yellow
retriever of unknown antecedents (Nous) and two Tweed water spaniels
(Belle and Tweed). The roots of the breed lie in Scotland and the
Border Country."
and ROSE
The last two yellow Retrievers recorded
by Lord Tweedmouth
Yellow Retrievers
Breed by Owner:
1st Lord Tweedmouth Guisachan, Beauly, Inverness-shire
Date of Birth:
NOUS (1884)Yellow.
One of four yellow puppies |
E.Marjoribanks 2nd Lord Tweedmouth
SAMPSON, Red Setter, Hon E.
Marjoribanks and Lord Tweedmouth
yellow, one of four yellow puppies
NOUS, yellow Retriever, bought
1864, died 1872
BELLE, Tweed water Spaniel,
given 1867, from Ladvkirk
(Sir Henry Meux's presumed black flat or wavycoated Retriever)
TWEED, Tweed Water Spaniel,
given 1872, from Ladykirk
COWSLIP (1868)
NOUS, Yellow Retrieverl864-1872
BELLE. Tweed Water Spaniel |
One of ten black puppies |
TRACER,black flatcoat
or wavy coated Retriever, full brother to Ch.Moonstone
said to be half-bred Labrador
BEN (1877)
SHOT,half-brother to Old FagBENA,
litter sister to Ben (Labrador) |
Think, black
DUSK (1877)
THORN (late Bob), 1873, by
Victor (1869) X Young Bounce
LADY IN BLACK by Paris, (1870) x Ladv Bonnie |
Ch. WISDOM (late Jenny), black
(1875) |
MOLIERE (1896)
(1884), yellow
JACK (1875) |
COWSLIP (1868) |
NOUS, Yellow Retriever, 1864-1872
BELLE, Tweed Water Spaniel |
ZOE (1877) |
SAMBO (presumed black)
TOPSY(1877) |
TWEED,Tweed Water Spaniel
COWSLIP(1868) by Nous X Belle |
Books On The Golden Retriever include:
The Golden Retriever in Ireland
by Albert Titterington and Michael Gaffney
available from a.j.titterington@btinternet.com
The Golden Retriever
By Michael Twist